In 2019 we pro-actively approached 3M Post-its with an idea for an activation during the 2020 Twin Cities Pride Celebrations. The clients bought the idea and we set out to produce it. Enter Covid. With Pride weekend festivities cancelled, we pivoted to a new, similar idea. 3M clients approved it and we set out to produce the new idea.
Then George Floyd was killed, and we all mourned him and what his death meant while our city faced unprecedented challenges. June, which was supposed to be a month to celebrate diversity and inclusion, became the stage for the opposite in The Twin Cities.
So we pivoted again, and in a true show of collaboration and trust our clients pivoted with us and together we created a Post-It Mural that brought joy and representation to not only the LGBTQ+ community, but displayed a message of unity from 3M to the world.
The Mural was located on the original Pride Parade route, on the walls of the iconic First Avenue concert venue - right next to Prince's star.